Established in 2023, Women in Music Austin is a chapter of WIM that is dedicated to fostering equality in the music industry through the support and advancement of women. Providing knowledge, strategy & solutions to our members and the greater community is our driving purpose.
Ashley White Fryer
Chapter Co-Chair, Austin
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Cheyenne Doerr
Chapter Co-Chair, Austin
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Dayna Young
Chapter Advisor, Austin
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Stephanie Bergara
Co-Vice Chair Membership, Austin
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Jordan Bush
Co-Vice Chair, Development & Partnerships, Austin
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Katie Crenshaw
Assistant Co-Vice Chair, Events, Austin
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Bang Eustis
Co-Vice Chair, Development and Partnerships, Austin
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Taylor Fennell
Assistant Co-Vice Chair of Memberships, Austin
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Amanda Garcia Davenport
Assistant Co-Chair, Austin
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Ingrid Fortenberry
Co-Vice Chair, Communications, Austin
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Rikki Hardy
Co-Vice Chairs, Events, Austin
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Melat Kay
Co-Vice Chair, Communications, Austin
Jaime Newman
Co-Vice Chairs, Events, Austin
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Jenny Perkins
Co-Vice Chair, Communications, Austin
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Ferera Swan
Co-Vice Chair, Membership, Austin
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Cy White
Communications PR, Austin

WIM Austin Events